The cancer-free Bodie!

If you are a regular reader, then you already know that I’ve been quiet for the past couple months. There’s a few excuses for this, but the main one is that we weren’t traveling due to a problem with Bodie’s eye.

It started off turning red last summer. At first, we thought it was an allergic reaction to his new surroundings as we had just moved him from his hometown Amsterdam, NL to Florida. Then we thought maybe he had bumped it on something while playing. We took him to our usual vet who recommended we seek the advice of a local eye specialist for dogs (and other animals).

Bodie ended up having to undergo a series of tests and treatments which lasted about 7 months. We tried all types of eye drops and he ended up on 14 drops a day from 4-5 different medicines for several months, with no sign of improvement. His eye, just the right one, just got worse.

We then got the results back from one of the tests that showed an inconclusive result that he had lymphoma in his eye. This is a type of cancer that is usually fatal but is rarely found in the eye. It came down to the decision to whether or not we should remove his right eye based on this result.

This was a hard decision to make – on one hand we wanted him to be healthy and cancer-free, but on the other hand we had no conclusive evidence that it was cancer and we didn’t want to remove his eye if he could still see. We saw a different eye vet just to get a second opinion, and he told us to do the same thing. There was already so much damage to his eye at this point (glaucoma had become very bad so he could barely just make out the differences in light with no real vision) so we decided to proceed with the operation.

Bodie the day after his surgery

Bodie the day after his surgery

It has now been over three months, and the real Bodie is back. We thought he was slowing down because he was reaching “middle-age” (he’s 6), but in reality he must have been in so much discomfort which made him just want to sleep all the time. He still naps a lot, but he also wants to play a lot, also! The day after his surgery he was already wanting to play (even though he had that silly cone on his head!). He has since fully recovered and doesn’t seem to miss his eye at all. He still has better eyesight then my husband and I put together (or so it seems – we are both are blind in one eye also!).

Bodie just had his 3 month check-up to see if there were any signs of the cancer anywhere else in his body, and the answer is still no. We decided to celebrate by bringing him back to his home country (the Netherlands) for two months this summer. We just got here a couple days ago and he’s already settled in. He is definitely a trooper and a globe trotter! We just love our one-eyed Jack (Russell)!

Bodie enjoying the view in Amsterdam

Bodie enjoying the view in Amsterdam

Thank you to Dr Denis and everyone at Animal Eye Associates in Maitland, Floridafor taking such good care of Bodie! Visit their Facebook page to say thank you on our behalf!

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Amy@GoPetFriendly at 12:36 pm

Wonderful news!! I’m so glad Bodie is back to his normal self, and that the trip from Florida to the Netherlands went well. I’ll be looking forward to more posts so we can see what you guys are up to while you’re abroad!

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